The Golden Dog Clipper

long haired dog breeds

This is a question that I am sure had passed the minds of every dog groomer out there,

What is the best dog clipper?

(The link above goes to a post I found counting down the top 5 dog clippers. I don’t fully agree with their countdown but their #1 clipper is also my #1 clipper so they can’t be that bad!!)

Yes I know, this is a controversial question.

It probably doesn’t get as much attention as ‘what is the best football team’ or ‘best workout plan to make you wake up the next day like Arne’…

But it is important to us dog groomers and I will talk a little about it now!

The perfect dog clipper can differ a little when looking at your own individual circumstances, however overall a good dog clipper is a good dog clipper and when matched with any job, big dog or small will perform well.

Yes you might say well i have a little yorkshire terrier that has never set foot in the wilderness beyond the end of the garden…

And to a certain point your probably don’t need to spend the extra pennies to get a kick-ass clipper but, and it is a big but..

The top-end clippers not only allow for better capabilities like cutting hard matted hair but also keep cool are quite and will save you time every time you groom your pup.

And over the life of your dog (10-15 years) saving 20 mins every time you shave them will really add up! (sorry that sentence was a little depressing)

Back on a happy note…

Your dog will prefer to be shaved with a better clipper, no more burns or snags from the clippers jamming or anxiety from what must seem like a chainsaw next to their ear..

I personally used Wahl clippers for years (low-cost got me) and then when studying dog grooming i was given a Oster and Andis to play with. They blew my mind!!

Everything was easier, no more snagging, so quite, no heat – I was sold.

And if you havent used these upper-end clippers they will blow your mind too!

The best thing is when I say upper-end you expect a massive price tag, and to be honest they really are not that more expensive.

Within my first year of dog grooming I was cutting about 20 dogs a week and must have went through about 2-4 sets of Wahl clippers by the time the year ended.

If you now look at 4 x £35-40.00 price tags you can see that buying a ‘professional’ clipper for £80-100 is really quite worth the investment.

I have used my Andis for about 3 years now and it’s still running strong!!

So if you havent guessed where im going with this yet I’ll tell you.

The best dog clipper is the Andis. The Andis AGC Super Two-Speed Dog Clipper.

This isn’t just my opinion either!

The Andis brand has always been well-known for their quality but with the Andis AGC Super 2-speed they really pushed the boat out.

Andis AGC Super 2 speed dog grooming clipper

The clipper itself has thousands of positive customer reviews and ticks all the boxes you could ever ask for.

  • It’s Quite – super quite
  • It Keeps Cool – no more hot blades and burns
  • Its Light – no more aching wrists
  • Its Break-Resistant – throw it off the wall if you want too!
  • Duel-Super-Speeds – two-speed settings each with two additional speed settings!!
  • Immortal – I know people who have used this clipper for years (iv had mine 3) and it doesn’t let up!

And there we have it people the golden dog clipper, the best in the business and like I said it wont cost you an arm and a leg.

I would seriously recommend you have a look at this clipper next time you are in the market (I don’t make any money if you do).

My sympathy goes out to the other clippers fighting for the top spot, some of them are great, and are overall still great clippers but I personally feel and it turns out a lot of other groomers do that the Andis is in a league of its own and deserves its place as the golden dog clipper.

If you have any questions or we have some serious Oster fans out there feel free to go nuts in the comment section…

Thanks guys hope this helps someone!

Extra: See the clipper in action…

The video above isnt a promo video for the clipper but as im sure you will see the woman in the video is using the clipper. She sets herself as an expert and she’s using it so its got to be good!

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